
On the way back up from Peterborough we stopped off at the village of Aldborough in Yorkshire.

There are Roman remains there but the English Heritage site was shut due to Covid restrictions so we couldn’t access them. Maybe another time.

Aldborough is one of those English villages centred round a village green. It’s slightly unusual in that the green still has a maypole.

Aldborough Maypole

Maypole, Aldborough, Yorkshire

The other part of the green has a lovely oak tree on it:-

Oak Tree, village green, Aldborough, Yorkshire

There was the obligatory church (St Andrew’s):-

Aldborough Church, Yorkshire

St Andrew's Church, Aldborough, Yorkshire

Another historical hangover is the presence of stocks:-

Aldborough Stocks, Yorkshire

The memorial you can see beyond the stocks in the photo above was erected on the 50th anniversary of an air crash where due to the skill of the pilot the aeroplane narrowly avoided Aldborough. All seven crew were killed.

Air Crash Memorial, Aldborough

This stone is just along from the memorial. It records where MPs for Aldborough and Boroughbridge were elected in the days before the Great Reform Act of 1832. Was Aldborough a rotten borough?

Aldborough Election Site

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  1. Roman Remains, Aldborough – A Son of the Rock -- Jack Deighton

    […] mentioned the village of Aldborough some years ago. The day we went the English Heritage site was closed. In September 2023 it was […]

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