Posted in Architecture, Scenery at 12:00 on 23 October 2023
We travelled on from Comrie by way of a misty Loch Earn:-

On the way back via Innerpeffray Chapel we then sought out Tullibardine Chapel, a property in Perth and Kinross in the care of Historic Scotland. It’s located slightly northwest of Auchterarder:-

North gableĀ end:-

View from east:-

From south(ish.) Stitch of two photos:-

At first we thought the chapel wasn’t open but the door in the photo below was slightly ajar:-

Information board:-

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Posted in Bridges, Scenery, Trips at 12:00 on 13 September 2023
In the grounds of Knaresborough Castle there is a board containing information about the gorge the River Nidd runs through:-

In the town itself we came upon the town crier relaying his news about the activities of various societies in the town:-

At the bottom of a hill where we were looking for an antique and second hand bookshop there was this bridge over the Nidd:-

The building to the left behind it is the Mother Shipton Inn. We didn’t bother visiting Mother Shipton’s Cave as it’s not really our thing:-

Views from the bridge:-

The antique shop and bookshop was behind where the first photo in this post was taken:-

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Posted in Bridges, Scenery, Trips at 12:00 on 11 September 2023
Knaresborough Castle and Knaresborough War Memorial both lie on a bluff above the River Nidd.
This was taken from directly beside the War Memorial:-

And this took in a wider angle in order to show the viaduct:-

Almost directly below the War Memorial there is a weir:-

Of which I took this video:-
This is a view of the viaduct I took from river level near the weir:-

And this from further on:-

A train moved across the viaduct while we were there:-

This is the road bridge over the Nidd taken from between the pillars of the viaduct:-

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Posted in Scenery, Scotland at 12:00 on 31 May 2023
Balmaha is a village on the eastern shores of Loch Lomond. I remember the Maid of the Loch used to call there on its trips up and down the loch back in the day.
The Loch from Balmaha:-

Boats on the loch:-

Present day pier:-

Looking south from pier:-

Loch inlet at Balmaha:-

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Posted in Architecture, History, Scenery, Trips at 15:00 on 23 January 2023
Cairn’s entrance ladder:-

Entrance from inside. You can see it’s quite restricted. The woman in the picture was our travelling companion:-

There is some graffiti on the walls.
Interior side wall (i):-

Interior side wall (ii):-

Close up on graffiti:-

Original entrance from inside:-


The side of Wideford Hill where the chamber sits overlooks an inlet of the NorthSea/Atlantic called the Bay of Firth. The settlement of Finstown lies to the far left of the Firth, beyond the islands as seen in this photo stitch:-

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Posted in History, Scenery, Seaside Scenes, Trips at 12:00 on 21 January 2023
Wideford Hill Chambered Cairn, Orkney was one of the ancient sites in the Orkney Islands we didn’t visit in 2017. We tyook it in in June last year.
The approach is up a very steep – and winding – farm road till you reach the car park (grandiose description for two parking spaces) from which you can look down to Kirkwall. The photo also shows some of the road:-

There is a view of Scapa Flow from there too:-

A notice at the car park said the chambered cairn was about half a mile away on a path round the hill. It was much longer than that.
You can see me walking the path here in a photo taken by the good lady. As you can see the cairn is nowhere in sight and we had been walking for about twenty minutes by this time:-

Cairn from path. To the left you can see the box in which the key to the entrance is kept and the information board:-

Information board:-

Original entrance (now gridded off):-

Cairn from above. The modern entrance is the blue square on its top

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Posted in Bridges, Scenery at 21:00 on 28 August 2022
In March we were wandering down the Back Burn quite near to our house and I spotted a small bridge which I had previously never noticed. Mind you it was almost totally concealed by greenery and in summer it will be much more so.

View of burn from bridge:-

Other side of bridge:-

A bit downstream there is this sluice gate which I may have posted before (but it’s not evident on a quick search):-

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Posted in Architecture, Scenery, Trips at 12:00 on 9 April 2022
Middleton-in-Teesdale is a market town in ….. Teesdale, County Durham, England.
As its name suggests it stands by the River Tees.
This bridge over the Tees is on the east/south approach to the town:-

River looking east from the bridge:-

Looking west:-

This Coop in the town has deco touches. (Stitch of two photos. The buildi ng isn’t really curved):-

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Posted in Bridges, Scenery at 12:00 on 2 February 2022
From Edzell Castle (posts passim) we took a stroll along the road to the old motte and bailey and A graveyard which contained the historic graves of the Lindsay family. Just further along there was a car parki and on investigation we saw a signpost to Pirner Brig. This turned out to be a walk alongside a river which we later discovered is the River Westwater.
Before doing that we descended a fairly steep set of stairs to the river itself, which is very scenic.
River and Pirner Brig:-

River and rocks:-

We then reascended the steps and took the path which crosses the brig.
River from Pirner’s Brig:-

I took a couple of videos

This is a lovely spot, and more or less unspoiled.
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Posted in Fife, Scenery at 12:00 on 22 August 2021
The Back Burn, see here and here, runs through the old Balbirnie estate and on past Markinch.
Just near where we live it passes through a declivity. The burn isn’t easily spotted in this photo:-

It’s just to the bottom at the right here:-

It flows over some rocks about halfway along:-

There are some flatter stretches too:-

Then it forms a barrier cutting off the golf course’s 18th fairway from the green.
Further on, looking back from beyond the golf course’s car park, you can see a second old bridge across the burn which was not undermined in the floods I mentioned here.

Another cascade:-
Flowers by the burn’s side:-

Trees by burn side:-

You can see the bridle path crossing in this one:-

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