Archives » Burntisland

Kirkcaldy (And District)’s Lost Art Deco Heritage. 6. Swimming Pool, Burntisland

Old Burntisland Swimming Pool:-

It was apparently an outdoor Lido style pool:-



The photos are from Love Kirkcaldy!’s facebook page






Fife’s Art Deco Heritage 13: Burntisland

A very minor piece of deco. The TSB branch:-

TSB Burntisland

Shore Coal

Many Fife coastlines bear the marks of past coal mining. A ribbon of coal particles can be found on Kirkcaldy and Burntisland beaches, whether washed there from mines or eroded from rocks I don’t know..

At Lower Largo the deposits are larger. Here are some seen through the shore barrier.

And these are lumps.

The industrial landscape of Methil can be seen from Lower Largo beach, wind turbines, oil rigs and all.

Burntisland War Memorial

Set prominently on the junction of Kinghorn Road and Cromwell Street, very near the High Street and overlooking the Links this is a dignified tribute.

Great War names are on the sides of the main memorial pillar. World War 2 is commemorated on a further plaque set into the wall behind.

Burntisland War Memorial

Burntisland War Memorial Plaque

Kirkcaldy (And District)’s Lost Art Deco Heritage. 1. Palace Cinema, Burntisland

Former Palace Cinema Burntisland.

See a similar image on the Scottish Cinemas website.

I just missed photographing this one for myself. By the time I started blogging it had been demolished. It’s a pity they couldn’t find a way to retain the facade.

A photo of the cinema in its heyday (taken from Burntisland.Net) is below.

Former Palace Cinema, Burntisland

Also in that Burntisland.Net link is a photo of the single remaining stained glass window which was removed before demolition plus two pictures relating to its post-cinema use.

More photos can be seen on the Scottish Cinemas website, including 65 of the interior prior to demolition.

A few years there was a proposal to fill the gap with a shop and flats. I’ve not been to Burntisland recently so don’t know if anything came of it.

Edited (29/11/2018) to add this photo:-

Palace Cinema Burntisland

And here’s a colour photo from the 1950s:-


High Street, Burntisland old postcard late 1970s

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