Archives » Art Deco

More Art Deco in Alcester

Previously in Alcester I’d only seen one decoish building. This time round we stayed at a different hotel a bit out of the town centre in a direction we hadn’t taken before.

As a result I came across two more.

St Benedict’s Catholic High School. Curved wall and glass bricks.:-

Art Deco Style Building, Alcester

Alcester, Art Deco Style

Just over the road really was this one. The Greig Hall and Leisure Centre. Note circular entrance building with porthole windows:-

The Gregg Hall, Alcester

Empire Exhibition 1938 North Cascade and Tower by Night and More

I haven’t done one of these posts featuring postcards from the Empire Exhibition 1938 in a while. The tower was officially known as The Tower of Empire but was dubbed Tait’s Tower after its architect.

A colourised photo of The North Cascade and Tower by Night at the Empire Exhibition 1938:-

Empire Exhibition 1938 North Cascade and Tower by Night

Black and White Photo Postcard, North Cascade and Tower:-

Black and White Photo Postcard, North Cascade and Tower, Empire Exhibition 1938

A Fountain and Tait’s Tower, Empire Exhibition 1938, with Palace of Engineering:-

Fountain and Tower, Empire Exhibition 1938

Art Deco in Glastonbury

Only minor deco but a bit surprising to see any at all.

The stand out was Boots. The tiles are classic deco:-

Glastonbury Art Deco

Earthfare has rule of three in upper windows which are possibly Critall. I suspect this is a former Woolworths:-

Art Deco Shop, Glastonbury

Children’s Hospice South West is very minor deco:-

Art Deco Style Glastonbury


Minor Art Deco Style in Wells

Where we parked in Wells was near to a junction beyond which this brick building stood. Premises of R Tincknell and Son Limited:-

Art Deco Style Building, Wells, Somerset


A Small Surprise in Bath

Since Bath is known for its Georgian architecture I had not expected to find any Art Deco buildings.

And I didn’t.

But what I did find was that some shops had Art Deco glass, in the door:-

Art Deco Style Door, Bath

and/or in the upper windows:-

Art Deco Glass, Bath

Bath, Art Deco Glass

Again here in both:-

Art Deco Style on Shop in Bath

The cross motif was repeated above the bakery’s door:

Art Deco Styled Window, Bath



Glasgow’s Lost Art Deco Heritage

Glasgow’s St Enoch Square 1955.

I don’t remember ever seeing the rotunda to the right side of this picture.


(Photo from Britannnia Daily’s facebook.)


Kirkcaldy (And District)’s Lost Art Deco Heritage. 6. Swimming Pool, Burntisland

Old Burntisland Swimming Pool:-

It was apparently an outdoor Lido style pool:-



The photos are from Love Kirkcaldy!’s facebook page






Kirkcaldy (And District)’s Lost Art Deco Heritage. 4. Gaumont, High Street

I thought I’d posted about this one but it seems I haven’t. Variously the Rialto, Gaumont and Odeon this cinema was at 204 High Street, Kirkcaldy.

See photo on the Scottish Cinemas website.


Scotland’s Art Deco Heritage 24 (iii): Bo’ness Again

Blocks of flats on Corbiehall, towards the west side of the town, flanking Matthew Steele Court. Columns with rule of three.

Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Building at end of street to the right above. Rule of three in central windows:-

More Art Deco, Bo'ness

Companion building to the first above on other side of Matthew Steele Court:-

Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Further west along the A 904:-

Art Deco Flats in Bo'ness


Detail, Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Central doorway:-

Art Deco Doorway Detail, Bo'ness

Stitch of whole building:-

Stitch, Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Edinburgh’s Art Deco Heritage 23: Alexander Drive/Stevenson Road

This block of flats is on Alexander Drive. Below is a stitch of two photos:-

Art Deco Flats, Edinburgh

Detail of taller portion. The windows have been modernised:-

Detail, Art Deco Flats, Edinburgh

Reverse view, from the car park of Wickes in Stevenson Road:-

Edinburgh, Reverse of Art Deco Flats



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