Edith Grossman
Posted in Events dear boy. Events, Gabriel García Márquez, Other fiction at 12:00 on 19 September 2023
I saw in Saturday’s Guardian that Edith Grossman, translator into English of the works of Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa (among others including Miguel de Cervantes) has died.
I have read at least seven of her translations of novels – four of Márquez’s and three of Llosa’s. Ther are more on my tbr pile.
Translation is an art and Grossman was an advocate of translators far from being all but anonymous ought to be considered as at least equal to th eauthor swhom they translate and their names ought to be on the covers of the books they have translated.
Llosa has said of her work: “It doesn’t seem to be a translation of a novel, but something that gives the impression that it has been written originally in English.” For someone reading in English that, of course, is how it should be.
Edith Marion Grossman: 22/31936 – 4/9/2023. So it goes.
Tags: Edith Grossman, Fiction in Spanish, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Miguel de Cervantes, Translated fiction