Archives » River Dee

River Dee at Threave Castle

I poisted about the castle itself yesterday.

Threave Castle Harbour:-

Threave Castle Harbour

It’s a very small harbour, now of course disused:-

Threave Castle Harbour

River Dee from bird-watching hide. There are supposed to be ospreys about but we didn’t see any birds close enough to be sure that’s what they were. It’s a lovely quiet spot though:-

River Dee at Threave Castle

Bend in River Dee:-

River Dee near Threave Castle

River from Castle grounds:-

View of River Dee at Threave Castle

Threave Castle from path to osprey viewing area:-

Threave Castle from Osprey viewing area

Threave Castle

Threave Castle sits on an island in the River Dee near the town of Castle Douglas (see here and here) in Dumfries and Galloway.

There’s a fairly long walk from the car park and visitor centre to the landing area to get the boat across the river to the castle.

The walk is circular and this photo was taken on the way back to the car park:-

Threave Castle From Circular Path

Castle across River Dee:-
Threave Castle

The river apparently isn’t very deep but Historic Scotland (in whose care the castle is) is careful about how you cross. You can see the island’s jetty to the right here:-

Threave Castle

Threave Castle closer View:-

Threave Castle, Closer in

Exterior of Tower:-

Threave Castle, Exterior of Tower

Arrowslits in exterior wall:-

Threave Castle, Exterior Wall Arrowslits

Inside the tower:-

Window in Threave Castle

A model of the castle is in the case in the centre:-

Threave Castle Interior

Castle model:-

Model of Threave Castle

Mini Kelpies, Kirkcudbright

A small model of The Kelpies in Kirkcudbright. The originals are in Falkirk at The Helix. Bridge over River Dee in background.

Small Kelpies at Kirkcudbright

Side view:-

Kirkcudbright Kelpies

Just along from the minin Kelpies is a memorial, “In memory of loved ones lost at sea.”

Kirkcudbright Memorial to Those Lost  at Sea

Kirkcudbright Harbour

The harbour and River Dee at Kirkcudbright are very picturesque. Many artists have made the town a base. The quality of the light is supposed to be particularly good.

Town and harbour from bridge over River Dee:-

Kirkcudbright and Harbour From Bridge over River Dee

Harbour from part of town:-

Kirkcudbright Harbour

River Dee looking seawards from town:-

Kirkcudbright Harbour and River Dee

River Dee looking towards Solway Firth :-

River Dee from Kirkcudbright

Bridge over River Dee, Kirkcudbright.

Kirkcudbright (pronounced kir-could-bri) is a town in Dumfries and Galloway, though before local government reorganisation its county was Wigtown and Kirkcudbright.

The river Dee runs by the town and there is a rather lovely bridge over it.

Bridge Over the Dee, Kirkcudbright

Wider view:-

Bridge on River Dee, Kirkcudbright

I was looking for a building that no longer exists and wandered across the bridge in the search and so found this plaque:-

Bridge Plaque, River Dee, Kirkcudbright

Bridge from Kirkcudbright harbour:-

Bridge over River Dee from Harbour, Kirkcudbrightaharbour and bridge 1

Wider view again:-

River Dee Bridge from Harbour, Kirkcudbright

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