Posted in Fife at 12:00 on 20 August 2020
Strathmiglo is a village in Fife, in which comedian Ronnie Corbett once had a home. We pass it on a regular basis. The road on which we do that, though, bypasses the main street but the way we come in passes a road named Cash Fues as the land there once belonged to the ancestors of country singer Johnny Cash.
One day last year we took the time to stop for a look round the village itself.
This is the tolbooth, built in 1734:-
View towards East Lomond – the second highest hill in Fife. (The highest is the West Lomond.)
There is a wonderful monkey puzzle tree (araucaria) just off the main street – with the kirk beyond:-
By the entrance to the kirk is a Pictish stone:-
A plaque on the wall beside it has a description:-