Live It Up 95: Xanadu – RIP Olivia Newton John

Everybody’s favourite girl-next-door at least until she released Physical in 1981,) Olivia Newton John, has died.

Her earliest hits were in the country and western style but she was a relatively minor star until she got the part as Sandy in the film Grease, with which she will forever be associated. I confess I found that film to be not as good as the hype surrounding it. (It did have its moments – the wink from Stockard Channing at the lyric “did he have a car” was priceless – but its ending seemed to imply that the only way to win a boy’s heart is to dress more than a little ‘obviously.’)

Not that that can be held against Newton John.

This title song from a later film which was not such a success is reputed to be writer Jeff Lynne’s favourite of all the ones he wrote.

Olivia Newton John: Xanadu

Olivia Newton-John: 26/9/ 1948 – 8/8/ 2022. So it goes.

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