Archives » Kastellet

Memorial to Danish International Efforts 1948-2011

We were able to enter the Kastellet via the King’s Gate and stroll through it amongst soldiers walking around in fatigues and who paid us and the other civilians using it as a thoroughfare no attention at all.

At the farther end, nearer to the ship’s berth, I found this memorial to Denmark’s International Efforts 1948-2011:-

Danish Memorial 1948-2011

Danish International Efforts 1948-2011 Memorial 3

The Dedication is laid into the ground and reads, “Monument for Danmarks Internationale Indsats Efter 1948. Rejst aft det Danske Folk 2011. (Monument to Denmark’s International Efforts After 1948. Erected by the Danish People 2011.)”

Wording, 1948-2011 Memorial, Kastellet, Copenhagen

Edited to add (17/6/19): I meant to say I liked that word “efter”. A Danish and Scots link showing itself there.

Danish National Second World War Memorial, Copenhagen

Moving on from the memorials to individual soldiers from Denmark I found the Memorial I had spotted from the Gefion Fountain.

King’s Gate entrance to the Kastellet behind:-

Danish National Second World War Memorial, Copenhagen

The Memorials’ inscriptions are Vore Faldne (Our Fallen) followed by,

I Dansk og I Allieret Krigstjeneste 1940-1945 (In Danish and in Allied War Service 1940-1945) and then,

Rejst af det Danske Folk. (Raised by the Danish People.)

Danish National World War 2 Memorial

Individual War Memorials, Copenhagen

From the top of Copenhagen’s Gefion Fountain looking over the canal/moat round the Kastellet (first picture in that post) I could see off to the left in the middle distance what looked very much like a War Memorial, so made my way in that direction.

However, on the way down towards it, after passing St Albans Kirke, I came across three memorials to individual Danes.

Memorial to Thomas Dinesen. Private Dinesen, 1899-1979, became a member of the Quebec Regiment of the Canadian Black Watch, and was awarded the Victoria Cross in World War 1 on 12th August 1918. Inscribed “Opført af de Allierdes Danske Vaabenfæller.” (Constructed by the Allied Danes brothers in arms?):-

Memorial to Thomas Dinesen, Copenhagen

Memorial to Anders Lassen. Born on 22/9/1920, Major Lassen won the Victoria Cross, Military Cross and two bars. Inscribed, “Faldet for danmarks frihed i allieret tjeneste,” (fallen for Denmark’s freedom in Allied Service) “9 April 1945,” and also “Opsat af frihedkampens veteraner (erected by the veterans of the fight for freedom) 9/4/1987.”

Memorial to Anders Lassen, Copenhagen

Kaj Birksted Memorial. Per Ardua ad Astra, Wing Commander Flying, Lieutenant-Colonel Birksted, DSO, OBE, DFC, krigskorset m Sverd og Stjerne p p (the war cross with swords and star) Flying Ace. Erected by the Kaj Birksted Committee, 5/5/2010:-

Kaj Birksted Memorial, Copenhagen

The Kastellet, Copenhagen

The Kastellet (citadel) is a military bastion near Copenhagen harbour.

This view of the canal that surrounds it was taken from the Gefion Fountain (previous post.) The winged structure just to the left of upper centre was actually our ship’s funnel:-

Defensive Military Canal, Kastellet, Copenhagen

The water and banked earth round the Kastellet reminded me of Naarden in The Netherlands.

This is a view of the moat from the exit bridge nearer the harbour:-

Kastellet Military Canal, Copenhagen

As is this, looking in the opposite direction:-

Kastellet Canal, Copenhagen

Right by that exit bridge bridge this bird was nesting. It refused to lift its head so that I could get a good photo:-

Nesting Bird by Kastellet, Copenhagen

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