Canal Bridges, Bruges

When we saw a notice advertising boat trips on the canal in Bruges we opted for one straight away. These photos mostly feature bridges over the canal(s).

Setting off:-

Bruges by Boat 1

Typical view:-
View from Boat, Bruges

Not quite “mind your head”:-
Under Canal Bridge, Bruges

But certainly do this time. I think this was the one the guide said was the lowest:-
Lowest Bridge, Bruges

Looking back to low bridge:-
Looking back to Low Bridge, Bruges

Bridge and swans:-
Bridge and Swans, Bruges

Furthest bridge on the trip. I think the building beyond the bridge is something to do with the water management system in Bruges:-

Furthest Bridge, Bruges

Side bridge and swans. The bridge wasn’t one we went under. It looks too low for that:-
Side Bridge and Swans, Bruges

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