Live It Up 24: RIP Jim Diamond

Scot Jim Diamond wasn’t perhaps the best known singer latterly. Still I wouldn’t have thought it easy to confuse him with the USian Neil of that ilk as someone of my acquaintance did when talking about his death this week.

Jim first came to prominence as part of trio Ph D with I Won’t Let You Down.The video is frankly, creepy.

Ph D: I Won’t Let You Down

Jim’s biggest hit as a solo artist was I Should Have Known Better in the year of Band Aid. Diamond’s song hit no 1 the week before the release of Do They Know It’s Christmas? Apparently Diamond said that people should buy the charity single rather than his. Good on him.
Jim Diamond: I Should Have Known Better

His best song though was probably Hi Ho Silver, theme song to the TV series Boon.

Jim Diamond: Hi Ho Silver

James “Jim” Diamond: 28/9/1951–8/10/2015. So it goes.

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