Dunfermline’€™s Art Deco Heritage 1. The Fire Station

I did promise in my one year’s anniversary post that I would put up some pictures of Art Deco in Dunfermline. This is the first set.

Front View

Of 1936 vintage, this is very similar in style to the Fire Station in Kirkcaldy which, being constructed a year or so later, is said to be a copy. There is interplay between verticals and horizontals here but this building lacks the painted highlights, the ironwork balconies and the East Coast vernacular chimney stacks of the Kirkcaldy one.

Dunfermline Fire Station is being replaced by a new building lower down the town. It has been proposed that this present building should be turned into an Arts centre.

from west

The view from the west.

rear view a

Rear view. Typical thirties window styling.

detail on west side a

Detail on west side.

detail on brickwork a

Detail on brickwork at front.

pillar detail a

Pillar embellishment at front.

Fire Station from east (ii)

View from East.

Fire Station from north east

As this view shows the long window slopes and in its present form obviously dates from the refurbishment of 1986.

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  1. Tom Davison

    As someone who is trying to promote the fire station’s use as an arts centre, I’m interested in your interest in the building. Tell me more, please.

  2. Art Deco Buildings Blog

    Nice. I hope you’ll post some more Dumfermline deco soon.

  3. jackdeighton

    I don’t really know any more than that its use as an arts centre has been proposed.
    It’s the fact that it’s Art Deco I’m mainly interested in. I’d like to know if there are any Deco detailings inside.

  4. MM

    Nice. I hope you’ll post some more Dumfermline deco soon.

  5. Dunfermline’s Art Deco Heritage 3. Linburn Road – A Son of the Rock -- Jack Deighton

    […] the Fire Station and the Glen Pavilion this is not a public building but a domestic dwelling. It doesn’t quite […]

  6. Anne

    Someone else may have given you the info, but the building now owned by Morgan Law in the East Port used to be the Electricity Showroom and the one occupied by the Christian Bookshop used to be the Gas Showroom…the heyday of the Utilities when they could afford fancy structures!

  7. jackdeighton

    Thanks Anne,
    I’m not a native of Dunfermline; I only work there; so it’s good to have this extra information.

  8. Anne

    You’re welcome. I had a 6 month temp reception job at Morgan Law a couple of years ago and I always felt so proud unlocking the front door of such a striking building in the mornings!

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