Avebury (i)

I had noticed that Avebury wasn’t far from the direct route back north from our trip to Bath etc so made sure to visit the site on the way back up.

We parked in the National Trust car park and walked to the Henge. I didn’t realise until after we returned and travelled on that it is the main road which actually cuts through the site.

Welcome Board :-

Welcome Board, Avebury

The site is extensive and consists of several stone circles and earthworks.

Stone circle from “avenue” into the site:-

Avebury Stones

Stone Circle at Avebury

Avebury Stones

Closer view of inner circle:-

Avebury Standing Stones

Looking back to ‘avenue’ entrance:-

Avenue of Stones at Avebury

Showing part of Avebury village:-

Standing Stones and Village, Avebury



‘Avenue’ from rampart:-

Avebury, Rampart Ditch and Standing Stones

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