Archives » NewCon Press

Cyberpunk Forty Years On

You may have noticed from my sidebar that I have been reading a new cyberpunk anthology, Night, Rain, And Neon, edited by Michael Cobley and published by NewCon Press.

This marks forty years since the publication of William Gibson’s Neuromancer which introduced many people to the sub-genre.

The author list contains names familiar and unfamiliar.

I will be reviewing it for ParSec magazine. The review is likely to appear in issue 4.

New Reviewing Venture

NewCon Press, under the direction of Ian Whates, is starting up a new online SF magazine in the summer of 2021. Its name is ParSec.

There had been a suggestion that NewCon Press might be taking over Interzone but that did not come to fruition and Ian decided to go for the online option of a new magazine instead.

He did, however, contact me with a view to reviewing for ParSec and I was pleased to oblige.

The first two books of I hope many which I shall review for the new venture have now arrived. They are:-

The Mother Code by Carole Stivers, published by Hodder and Composite Creatures by Caroline Hardaker, an Angry Robot publication.

Both of these writers are new to me.

I’ve got a bit of leeway here. The reviews are not needed till June.

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