Archives » Corbiehall

Scotland’s Art Deco Heritage 24 (iii): Bo’ness Again

Blocks of flats on Corbiehall, towards the west side of the town, flanking Matthew Steele Court. Columns with rule of three.

Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Building at end of street to the right above. Rule of three in central windows:-

More Art Deco, Bo'ness

Companion building to the first above on other side of Matthew Steele Court:-

Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Further west along the A 904:-

Art Deco Flats in Bo'ness


Detail, Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

Central doorway:-

Art Deco Doorway Detail, Bo'ness

Stitch of whole building:-

Stitch, Art Deco Flats, Bo'ness

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