Blog Crossover Problem
Posted in Modern Life Is Rubbish at 20:30 on 12 May 2023
Earlier this week my blog got moved across to a new hosting service. (Don’t ask me the details, I’m not that computer savvy. My blog administrator, however, is. So thank you, Duncan for the work you have put in here.)
It all seemed to have gone swimmingly.
That was until I checked in this afternoon and discovered there was no video in the post I had scheduled for noon today.
Looking at previous such posts I discovered that all the videos on those no longer show up.*
I quickly worked out that it was due to my use before the changeover of the classic WordPress editor system.
The new hosting I think gives me only a version of the ‘block’ system WordPress introduced some years ago and it doesn’t accept the embed codes for videos which I used to employ.
I have now found a way to put videos on the blog and restored some of the videos on older posts (back to February.)
It’s not an important enough issue to bother Duncan with it (I doubt there’s a quick fix) but there being innumerable old posts with videos embedded in them – far too many for me to go through them all – I fear I must live with those not now being accessible on historic posts.
Ah, well.
*Edited to add: I also haven’t found a way to centre photos on the page.