Archives » Fergus Bannon

Fergus Bannon (ii)

I posted recently about the availability of Fergus Bannon’s novel Judgement.

Thanks to Jim Steel I now know Fergus has a website.

I’ve also put it on my side bar.

The story Fergus had in Interzone those many moons ago whose title I struggled to remember was Burning Brightly. Worth a read.

Fergus Bannon

This is just to point you in the direction of a worthy publishing venture.

Gary Gibson at White Screen Of Despair has recently put into the form of an e-book a long neglected novel by erstwhile member of the Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle, Fergus Bannon.

The book is called Judgement and can be bought as a download, I think, for the princely sum of $2 from Smashwords.

If the short story Bannon had published in Interzone many, many moons ago is anything to go by Judgement will be well worth reading.

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