Christopher Priest
Posted in Events dear boy. Events, Science Fiction at 12:00 on 8 February 2024
I was shocked to learn of the death of writer Christopher Priest.
Yes he was 80 and it seems he had cancer (but of course I did not know that) but the news nevertheless came as a jolt.
I had followed his blog posts – see my sidebar – but he usually posted intermittently so the lack of recent posts did not seem significant.
I had probably heard of him in the 1960s via short stories but certainly by the time of his first novel (Indoctrinaire, 1970) and I bought and read his books keenly. His work makes up a substantial portion of my SF collection. Typically the reality in his narratives is slippery, with things gradually morphing from the seemingly quotidian to something more other worldly.
He will most probably be remembered for his stories set in the Dream Archipelago, a world recognisably like ours but yet twisted slightly out of true and which evolved over time.
I was lucky enough to meet him a few times at Science Fiction conventions. The last time was at the Harrogate Eastercon (six years ago now) – quite some time since we had last met – and since I am a relatively little known SF writer/reviewer – I was surprised he recognised me. He even remembered I hail from Dumbarton and introduced me to his partner Nina Allan (whom he married last year) as coming from the town. He was unfailingly courteous, friendly and encouraging.
I have of course read most of his books and have reviewed many of them on here (the link is to every mention of Priest on this blog.) His prose never fell below the highest quality. Had his work not been so closely aligned to Science Fiction and the speculative he would undoubtedly have received more praise from the usual literati suspects than he in fact did.
My consolation (if there is one) is that there are still some of his books on my tbr pile.
Christopher Mackenzie Priest: 14/7/1943 – 2/2/2024. So it goes.