Unpresidented Election
Posted in Linguistic Annoyances, Politics at 20:00 on 2 December 2019
You may be aware the UK is in the middle of a General Election campaign. It is possibly the most important of my lifetime and one which has the potential of embedding a harrowing future.
In that context the following is quite trivial, but it still annoyed me.
I have only received one leaflet so far – from the Labour Party. While it does show photographs of the local candidate and Labour’s Scottish leader there is absolutely no sign nor mention within it of the UK leader, one Jeremy Corbyn.
It also has three linguistic irritations.*
1:- “Only the Labour Party will bring unpresidented investment into the UK.”
I suppose there is an outside possibility that this is a reference to T Ronald Dump’s intentions towards the UK and its NHS in any negotiations of a trade deal after Brexit. More likely that view is too generous and it is in fact a malapropism.
2:- “A Labour Government through their Green Industrial Revolution policy…”
Now, the word ‘Government’ can be a noun of multitude (which would take a plural pronoun) and I accept that this is the way in which most people use the word nowadays.
However, in this case it refers to the Government as a whole and not as a collective and so requires a singular pronoun, ‘its’.
3:- “the fact they have not recuited or trained enough staff.”
Recuited? (Recruited, please.)
I hope the literacy (and/or proofreading) standards of any other campaign leaflets I receive in this election will be somewhat higher than this.
Or is that expecting too much?
*Edited to add: Make that four. By the time I’d come round to compiling the post I’d forgotten the leaflet also spelled truly as truely.
Tags: Brexit, Donald Trump, General Election, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party, NHS, noun of multitude, Politics, T Ronald Dump
Oh Dear – A Son of the Rock -- Jack Deighton
3 December 2019 at 20:01
[…] Re my previous election leaflet post: I have come on reflection to the opinion that “unpresidented” for […]