Archives » Buzzards


Since we moved to Son of the Rock Acres we have noticed a lot more wild life than in the old house. That’s not surprising. We back onto woodland now.

We did used to be near a park where there were swans and herons as well as geese and gulls of various sorts and – once – a deer seemingly trapped in the fenced-off tennis court.

What we didn’t hear were owls which we did here as soon as we moved into the new house but they seem to have gone quiet.

Three or so years ago we began to notice a buzzard flying about the adjacent estate. I took this – very amateur – video of it in February 2016. (Click on the picture to get to the video.):-


Last year about this time we noticed three of the birds circling almost over the house:-

3 Buzzards

They were making a distinctive cry. (Again, click on picture to get to video):-


Earlier this year one took to perching on a young tree just over the back fence:-


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