The Price of Sovereignty

This is where division in and, in the UK’s case, from Europe leads:-

Graves and Memorial Cross, Tyne Cot Cemetery
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeeke, Belgium

German War Graves, Langemark, Belgium
Langemark War Cemetery, Langemark-Poelkapelle, Belgium

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  1. EU Referendum Outcome | Pining for the West

    […] Jack’s blogpost for today is The Price of Sovereignty. […]

  2. Eric Brown

    A picture speaks louder than a thousand words.

    It’s a depressing day, Jack.

  3. jackdeighton

    Very depressing.

  4. Denis Cullinan


    You’ve made your point, grimly and sadly.

  5. jackdeighton

    I’ve been in despair all day.
    I really don’t know what the world is coming to what with Trump in the US and all the xenophobia here.
    Seventy years of peace makes for forgetfulness I suppose.

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