A Jay

Until this perched on my fence I had never seen a jay before. They’re not very common around here. Before I could photograph it it flew off to my next door neighbour’s fence so it’s a bit blurry.

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  1. Denis Cullinan

    Hello Jack—- Congratulations on your first (European) jay sighting. I myself was already an established adult when I saw my first American jay within New York City limits. Eerily, too, quite a few wild parrots live in this city.

    — European jay– http://hippiunicorn.deviantart.com/art/Taxidermy-European-Jay-308378301 — North American blue jay– http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/blue_jay/id — wild parrots — http://www.junipercivic.com/juniperberryarticle.asp?nid=224#.U8rkouNdWh0

  2. jackdeighton

    Hi Denis,
    There are reputed to be parrots living wild in some British cities. Pets that escaped and have formed breeding colonies.

  3. Peggy Ann

    Love the markings on the wings! It’s nothing like our Blue Jay though. It’s a much handsomer bird in my humble opinion. Of course I may be prejudiced against ours as they have a mean reputation!

  4. jackdeighton

    Hi Peggy Ann,
    Your blue jay is really blue though!

  5. My Second Jay – A Son of the Rock -- Jack Deighton

    […] to get a better shot of the weathervane than we had originally we saw a jay on the roof. My second jay! It’s perched on the thatch just above the […]

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