Dundee’s Art Deco Heritage 6 (ii)
Posted in Art Deco, Dundee at 14:56 on 9 October 2011
I walked up Dundee Law (a conical hill that is the city’s highest point) for the first time yesterday.
From it you get fine views over the city and the surrounding countryside – except that yesterday it was misty so the views weren’t so fine.
It is a good vantage point to see the North Tay Works, or the McGregor and Balfour building, which I have featured before.
Dundeeâs Art Deco Heritage 6: MacGregor and Balfour Building – A Son of the Rock -- Jack Deighton
9 October 2011 at 14:58
[…] Edited to add:- I have added a view of this building from Dundee Law in a later post. […]